Sunday, 24 August 2008

went to school yesterday to revise for prelims and i was able to complete the chemistry 2007 A level paper. studied with some of my classmates and managed to put in at least a few hours of studying. i just realised that i'm now officially addicted to music and writing. don't know why that is so but i find myself wanting to write once again. tried a subway one foot long sandwich and managed to finish it surprisingly. later chatted with my friends before leaving for home. on the bus back, johan told me that i have to change the way i appear to gals otherwise i will never get a gf. the way i understood it was that i have to change myself so that others will like me and frankly speaking, i would rather have someone like me for who i am rather then the person i appear to be to them. and of course, someone else also got me thinking about some other stuff.. do i view a gf as a tool, just for emotional support/ for show? at this point of time, given the fact that i have not been in a rather srious relationship with anyone, i would have to say that the jury is still out on that question. but for myself, my definition is someone who gives me emotional support/encouragement and that i can love/help/protect that person with all my heart and soul. yet that definition is still inadequate since i also have some other feelings which determine this which i have no idea how to put in words... wait a minute.. focus on prelims.. back to the books!

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