Monday, 8 December 2008

well, despite the lack of internet access, I’m going to type out my blog post on my laptop anyway since I do not want my brother and parents to see what I’m typing and also it’s better than just lying around doing nothing. Let’s see what has happened over the past 4 days that I have come to china. Well actually there’s nothing much happening except the fact that I’m still counting down the days till I go back to Singapore. The past few nights have been rather cold with the wind blowing through the hole between the balcony doors which makes a sound similar to that of a plane taking off. Nothing wrong with that except for the fact that it seems to continue playing every day non-stop, which makes it rather irritating. The food here is as I remembered it to be, with the notable inclusion of noodle king (yes noodle king) being just how I remembered it to be the first time I had it here. My dad wants to go on a holiday sometime soon and he’s thinking about going to either Macau or Hong Kong. Oh well, might as well go shopping since the stuff here is more affordable. Contrary to popular belief, not all the things here are cheap but most are affordable.

I also got to look at the other photos of prom on facebook and I have to say that most were pretty well taken, which makes me want to go get a camera soon as I ended up using the cameras of others to take my prom photos. (Haha thanks for all the cameras) I’m still waiting for a couple more to come in and I think that should be all the prom photos which I took that night. Which reminds me… Martin Ang if you are reading this you better start finding a place to hide as I’m going to get you when I return *muahahaha*

Now I have to start planning for what I’m going to do during the 28 days in January that I have till I’m enlisted. Come to think of it, 4 weeks is quite a long time. I definitely cannot work part time since it’ll be for less than a month. But on the other hand, I can’t possibly be sitting at home doing nothing. Oh
well, I’m pretty sure that I’ll find something to do within that time. Still owe someone a lunch/coffee date when I return.

Speaking of which, since I’ll only be back on Boxing Day, I have decided to give accessories to all the ladies I know for Xmas. Although I kind of cheated by giving someone way ahead of the date. *Sorry to all the other ladies*But I felt that it was necessary to help me close a chapter (see previous post) in my life. I guess all my tears which I would have cried that day crystallized into that pair of tear-dropped shaped earrings. Hope you like it as I had it specially made (only 2 pairs available) and I also hope that all the ladies will like the accessories I’ll be getting them.

Why am I getting accessories one might ask? Well the main purpose is to support an entrepreneurship venture of a friend of mine who has opened her own blog shop. Please do visit as some of the designs are pretty fantastic. The other reason why I am doing so is due to the fact that I had initially wanted to compose poems for all of them throughout the course of the year and given that the year is almost up and I have not written much of them, accessories would have to take the place of poems in representing their individual characteristics and traits as well as the role which they have played in the class which I love so much. So once again I hope that you all will like them. Erm as for the guys, sorry but I’m running on a rather low budget this year due to my excessive spending post-As. Besides, being the nice gentlemen that you all are, I’m sure you won’t blame me for buying only for the ladies right? *please don’t kill me the next time you all see me ok?*

Counting down to Boxing Day…
P.S If anyone sees me online on MSN, could you do me a favour and chat with me? It’s rather boring here and I seem to be talking to the same people all the time. Thanks : )

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